February 13, 2025: Student transportation cancelled, OCDSB schools remain open

All school buses and vans serving the OCDSB will be cancelled on February 13, 2025, due to poor weather conditions. For students assigned to public transit (Presto), all 600-series school routes and any school trips on regular routes will not operate.

OCDSB schools will be open. Parents and caregivers are welcome to drop off their children at school and pick them up at regular bell times. The Extended Day Program will also be open for registered students.

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About Us

Our School

Jockvale Elementary School, found in the heart of Barrhaven opened 30 years ago. In a congenial and cooperative atmosphere, a safe and caring environment has been created by staff, students, parents, and the community, focusing on every child to ensure his/her fullest potential is realized.

Jockvale Elementary School (Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6) offers Full-Day Kindergarten, an English Program (JK-6), a French Immersion Program (JK-6) and a Primary/Junior Behaviour Intervention Program. The Extended Day Program, for before and after school care, is available from 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Our school yard is oversized allowing for 3 designated areas for students to play in; a primary yard, a junior yard, and kindergarten yard. Situated in a quiet, well-established neighbourhood opposite the Ruth E. Dickinson Library and the Walter Baker Recreational Centre, our students have the opportunity to visit with authors, take swimming lessons, and skate.

Our school is comprised of students from many cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds which are recognized and celebrated throughout the year within a proud Canadian content. A strong emphasis on racial and ethnocultural equity is reflected in classroom material, library acquisitions and school displays and presentations. Attention is also paid to ensure gender equity in the development of literacy, numeracy and technology skills.

Our Students

Jockvale has a student population of over 365 students. Coming from a physically active community, our students thrive in both academic and physical activities. After completing Grade 6, the majority of our students pursue their learning at Cedarview Middle School. Some students also enrol for the Middle French Immersion program at Barrhaven Public School at the end of grade 3.

Our Staff

Jockvale has a staff of 25 teachers, a full time Principal, a half time Vice-Principal, 3.5 Educational Assistants, 6 Early Childhood Educators, a half time Library Technician, 1.5 Office Administrators, a Chief Custodian and 1 full time evening Custodian and two part time evening custodians. Our highly qualified staff works together to maximize the total school experience of every child. Our teachers have backgrounds in a variety of disciplines, including literacy and numeracy, special education, physical education, art, music, drama, and technology.

Teachers dedicate additional time to support student learning outside the classroom, e.g. craft clubs, sports activities, dramatic presentations and talent show, Friends program, Student Success Program, Scrabble club, Math club and many others. We have staff trained in First Aid, CPR, Defibrillation, Suicide Prevention, BMI, and Non Violent Crisis Intervention.

Our Community

Jockvale Elementary School is located in the suburban community of Barrhaven. The school is adjacent to a large green space, the Walter Baker Sports Centre, the Ruth E. Dickinson Public Library, and John McCrae Secondary School. We welcome parents and community volunteers in our school. They are engaged in a variety of ways including helping students with reading, organizing fundraising events, accompanying students on field trips, the Early Literacy program with our Kindergarten students, maintaining “Maddy’s Garden”, special events, etc. Our School Council plays an integral part in creating a welcoming atmosphere for parents and students. It is committed to making the school a better place for our students to learn by coordinating volunteer activities, providing special lunch programs, and providing a liaison between parents/guardians and the school. The Council holds its meetings on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the school library. Child care for children aged 3+ is offered during council meetings.

Comments from parents:

“excellent staff - friendly and helpful!”

“excellent balance between academic and social”

“extra-curricular activities are wonderful ”

“never stop the swim program”

Mission Statement

Our school motto is “Where We Belong.”

Facilities and Resources

  • Large library/resource centre
  • Double gym with change and shower facilities
  • Extended Day Program – before and after school program for students JK - grade 6
  • City of Ottawa after school program at the Walter Baker Centre
  • Adjacent wooded parkland, regulation soccer pitch, football field, and ball diamond
  • 2 outdoor play structures
  • Enclosed Kindergarten play area
  • Adjoining Community Centre and Public Library

Programs and Services

Academic Programs

Regular English - JK to 6: JK/SK children receive 150 minutes a day of French and English, while students in grades 1 to 6 receive 40 minutes a day of French instruction. Core French teachers use the AIM program to deliver quality second language instruction.

Early French Immersion - 1 to 6: French is the language of instruction for 80% of the time in grade 1 and approximately 60% in French and 40% in English for grades 2 to 6 .

Full-Day Kindergarten - program for 4 and 5 year olds that includes a school day educational program and an optional integrated program before and after school.

Behaviour Intervention Program – This is a primary/junior special education class.

Classroom Organization

Jockvale is a junior kindergarten to grade 6 dual track school.

We have three JK/SK classes.

In our Regular English program we have: one grade 1/2, one grade 2/3, one grade 4/5, one grade 5/6, and one grade 6.

In our Early French Immersion program we have: one grade 1, one grade 1/2 two, one grade 2, one grade 2/3, one grade 3/4, one grade 4/5 and  one grade 5/6.

Our Behaviour Intervention Program class is comprised of 8 students.

Special Education and ESL Programs

At Jockvale we have teachers who work in Special Education providing in-class support for students with learning needs from grades 1 to 6. Learning Support teachers and Learning Resource teachers provide support for students with a wide range of needs, including both remedial and gifted programming. We have a half time ESL teacher who provides language support to students whose first language is not English. The Behaviour Intervention Program class is a primary/junior system class that supports special needs children within the Board and has a maximum of 8 students with both a teacher and an EA to support the students.

Clubs and Activities

  • Cross Country
  • Swimming and Skating program at Walter Baker Sports Centre
  • Track and Field
  • Board Games
  • Primary Recorder
  • Scrabble Club
  • School Spirit Days
  • House League Sports – Soccer, Volleyball, Bordenball, Basketball, Track and Field
  • Drama Presentations
  • Recycling Club
  • Math Club
  • Primary Fitness
  • WITS Program
  • Student Success Program
  • Character Assemblies
  • Pink Panther Program

Safe Schools Initiatives

Jockvale holds high expectations for student conduct and behaviour. The Code of Conduct at Jockvale Elementary School contains four basic rules; respect everything and everyone, always try your best, hands and feet to yourself, and speak kind words. Our code of conduct is communicated to our students and parents, and reviewed throughout the year to ensure success.

A school crossing guard assists our children and parents at a nearby busy intersection.